Ending a Lease or Residency? Here’s What You Need To Do While Moving Out | Removalist On The Run
Ending a Lease or Residency? Here’s What You Need To Do While Moving Out

Whether you’re moving on to your own home, or simply going to a new rental in a different location, there are things you need to take care of during your move.

Moving out of a property where you’ve had a lease or residency means you need to do certain things in order to fulfil your obligations as a tenant, receive your bond back and ensure you get a good recommendation from your previous landlord.

Here’s what you need to do while moving out after ending a lease or residency.
(Please keep in mind that this is a general guide and that you should consult the relevant tenancy authority in your state or territory for specific information).

Have everything in writing

As with any important interactions in life, you must have any agreements or notices in writing for you and the other party’s records. Anything that is discussed in a phone call or face-to-face should always be followed up with a letter or email to get confirmation about what was talked about and agreed on. Protecting yourself is important.

Give notice

Whether you’ve received your lease renewal offer and are choosing not to take it, or you intend to leave at any point during your tenancy, you must give notice to your real estate (or directly to the landlord in the case of a private rental). The notice periods that are required vary for different circumstances, so be sure to check your lease agreement and the rental authority in your state to see what your obligations are.

Disconnect your utilities

You will likely be paying for the utilities at your new location, and you’re not obligated to pay for electricity, gas or water at your previous property once you’ve vacated. Organise with your utility provider/s to disconnect the services for a day or so after you move, so that you or your bond cleaners have access to electricity. It’s wise to take date-stamped photos of the meter readings when you leave as well. Having this information comes in handy in case of disputes.

Bond cleaning and the Exit Condition report

When you first moved into the property, you would have been given an entry condition report. This report notes any issues the real estate agent and landlord are aware of before you move in, and you have the chance to make your own notes of things that didn’t work, were broken or not clean when you began your lease.

Anything on the property that wasn’t clean, was broken, or otherwise didn’t work is not your responsibility to remedy while moving out. Ending a lease also allows for something called ‘fair wear and tear’, which essentially means that anything that occurs during regular occupation, use, or by natural forces is not your responsibility either.

If, however, you’ve broken something or caused damage that doesn’t fall under fair wear and tear, you need to repair or replace it. If you don’t do this to the satisfaction of the real estate agent or landlord, you will be liable to do it again, so it’s wise to discuss this with them beforehand. Most will appreciate your honesty and willingness to fix the issue.

Your real estate agent will provide you with a copy of the expected cleaning that should take place as part of your ‘bond clean’, including having the carpets professionally cleaned. There are also requirements if you have pets, such as having the property fumigated for fleas and ticks.

Basically, the property should be left in the same condition it was in when your tenancy started. Take photos (and videos if necessary) of the property’s condition on your lease’s end date, before you hand the keys and your Exit Condition report back.

Removalists on the Run provide affordable, efficient moving services

It can be stressful moving out of a rental property and into a new one, especially if you’ve dealt with careless movers in the past who’ve caused damage you need to repair.

When you hire Removalists on the Run, however, your belongings and the property are in safe hands! We take care of your items like they were our own, and we love to help make moving easy.

For a free quote, call or email us now!