How to Create a Distraction Free Office Space While Working from Home | Removalist On The Run
How to Create a Distraction Free Office Space While Working from Home

Are you working from home? It is more than likely that if you are reading this article, then you are!

The numbers of working from home have skyrocketed since the wake of COVID-19.  While it can be nice to be at home – the joys of rolling out of bed and having a commute of one minute, it can be overwhelming or distracting when your personal life and work converge.

We have put together a little something for you to see how you can get the most from your workspace at home and create a distraction free office space.

Create a Separation

If there is more than one of you working from home, or even if it is just you, it is important to create a separation from your personal life so that you can focus on your work.

This can be as basic as turning your desk a certain way or adding a white noise machine. Another option, although a bit more work is to look at turning the spare bedroom into an office, or a big closet into a working space.

Finding what you need and creating a space for work only, means that as soon as you enter it, you will feel more in the zone, and more effective for work.

Give Your Workspace Space

Look around you and see how much of what is there actually needs to be there? For example a half empty chest of drawers, or cupboard. Look at moving these unnecessary cluttered items out of the way, move it into storage or to the garage, and use that for your desk, or else keep it empty to provide you with a clear thinking space.

Packing up and storing away items from your home may seem like a big task, but it is easier and more affordable to do this than to try and find a new house to get the space you need for work.

Invest in Comfortable Seating

Considering this is what you will be spending several hours on, make sure your seating boasts ample comfort. Not only should it be comfortable, but provide strong back support as well.

Look for a chair with considerable cushioning on the sea, and an adjustable back support and height. This will transform your work at your office space dramatically.

Display Inspiration

Even if your workspace is your kitchen table, or your desk that looks at a wall, you should feel excited and inspired whilst in the area. Try and make the office space a place that motivates you.

This could mean hanging up inspirational or motivating pictures or quotes, aesthetic visuals, plants, or even something as simple as natural sunlight.

Being in an environment that will be mood uplifting will help you focus more, and also relax you to perform work at your best.


Removalists On The Run can understand how hard working from home can be. Hopefully our tips above will provide you with some inspiration, however if it is time to move to a larger space, we can help you in this process as well.

Get in touch with us today!